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Interferometric sampling oscilloscopes for light waves


Theodor W.Hänsch

(Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany)

Abstract: With the rapid development of femtosecond laser technology and nonlinear optics at the beginning of this century, optical frequency comb technology has become an important precision frequency measurement technology.It connects the radio and optical frequency realm by inching through the vast frequency gap via the coherent relationship between their separated frequencies and phases, which has a significant application value in the fields of time-keeping and frequency standards, precision spectral metrology and constants measurement in fundamental physics.

Keywords:optical frequency comb;single photon;Nobel prize in physics;precision spectroscopy

Editor’s note: This paper was organized and translated by Professor Yong Ma and Professor Guangyu Wang of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, based on the academic presentation of Professor Theodor W.Hänsch on the 70th anniversary of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications in October 2020.The paper was revised and authorized by Professor Hänsch for publication in this journal.Since 2015, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications has established extensive academic exchanges and cooperation with the Nobel Prize Laboratory led by Professor Hänsch.

编者按:本文由重庆邮电大学马勇教授、王光宇教授,根据西奥多·W·汉希 于2020 年 10 月重庆邮电大学建校70周年庆典的学术报告整理、翻译,并经汉希教授修订后授权本刊发表。重庆邮电大学从2015年开始和汉希教授领导的诺贝尔奖实验室建立了广泛的学术交流及合作。

Visible light has approximately 500,000 billion oscillations per second.These sampling oscilloscopes create a new type of spectroscopy where the radiation emitted by complex molecules over a broad spectral range can be analyzed.This approach is based on the laser frequency comb, invented 20 years ago[1-6].This tool measures the optical frequencies of hundreds of thousands of terahertz.Further, it provides a phase-coherent link between the optical and radio frequency regions and offers a clockwork mechanism for optical atomic clocks, where the pendulum is formed by atoms or ions oscillating with the frequency of light.

众所周知,可见光每秒钟振荡500 000亿次。光波的高速振荡采样可以实现一种新的光谱分析技术,能够在很宽的光谱范围内对复杂分子的荧光信息进行分析,其核心技术是20年前发明的光频率梳技术[1-6]。光频率梳技术可用于测量频率为104 THz的光学振荡。它提供了光学和射频区域之间的相位相干链接,并基于此技术制造光学原子钟,其“钟摆”由以光频率振荡的原子或离子形成。

A frequency comb is explained in the time domain as follows.Fig.1 shows the spectrum of a laser that emits an ultrashort pulse.A broad spectrum is observed for ultrashort pulse, i.e., the shorter the pulse, the broader the spectrum.If two identical pulses are considered, instead of one, then they interfere and produce fringes in the spectrum.Interestingly, this is comparable to Young’s double-slit experiment, where two slits separated in space produce spatial interference fringes on the screen.Here two laser pulses separated in time produce interference fringes in the spectrum.The separation between two interference maxima precisely equals the inverse time interval between the two pulses.The further apart the two pulses, the closer the fringes become, resembling a comb.Notable, two pulses only can produce a frequency comb; however, with blunt teeth.

Fig.1 Two pulses separated in time and their spectrum


Nevertheless, if a whole train of regular pulses, such as produced by a mode-locked femtosecond laser, is used rather than two pulses, then an interference pattern with sharp comb lines can be produced.The longer the interval between pulses, the sharper these lines become.Comb lines as sharp as continuous-wave radiation from a well-stabilized laser can be obtained with precisely controlled timing only.Any small random fluctuations in timing or phase will disrupt the spectrum.


This technical challenge can be overcome by different means, including electronic servo-controls, which can produce an octave-spanning comb.However, this was not anticipated by most experts.Although the principle of comb generation is simple, nobody expects these principles to produce an octave-spanning rainbow of colors., This rainbow is not an ordinary rainbow but consists of 100,000 to as many as 1 million sharp comb lines.


The spacing between adjacent comb lines precisely equals the repetition frequency of the laser, measured using a cesium atomic clock[7].The entire comb can be slightly shifted using the carrier-envelope offset frequency, which depends on slips of the phase of the pulses.This carrier-envelope offset frequency can be easily measured using an octave-spanning comb.Then, the two radio frequencies act as the absolute optical frequency for each comb line.If the frequency of an unknown laser needs to be measured, an interference signal in the form of a beat node between the unknown and comb lines should be identified.Conversely, one comb line can be taken and locked electronically to a sharp optical transition in some atom or iron; thus, the repetition frequency can be related to the optical frequency.Essentially, an optical atomic clock works on this mechanism.


This spectroscopic tool has been particularly useful for high resolution and precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen[8-9].Atomic hydrogen exhibits a very sharp line corresponding to the 1S-2S transition that can be excited with an ultraviolet laser beam.For this, the frequency of the laser beam that excites the atoms needs to be measured.The accuracy was improved up to 15 decimal digits[10-11].The accuracy of the unit of time, i.e., second, defined in terms of the microwave cesium clock, is nearing the limits of what is possible with that technology.However, much greater precision is can be achieved with optical clocks in future.


Why is this important? Because hydrogen is the simplest atom, its energy levels and transition frequencies can be calculated more accurately than other atoms using the sophisticated theory of quantum electrodynamics.


Furthermore, validation of the theory is equally important.In particular, precision spectroscopy can be used to validate the theory.Based on this theory, fundamental constants, including the Rydberg constant and proton charge radius, which form cornerstones in the system of fundamental constants, can be obtained[12].However, an important question is whether these constants are constant or slowly change with time.For example, consider hydrogen and its antimatter anti-hydrogen.Are they precisely mirror images of each other? Are they precisely the same? Alternatively, is there any difference? Any difference would violate the standard model; thus, precision spectroscopy would allow searching for new physics.Perhaps, this may have been the motivation for the Nobel committee to award the physics Nobel Prize for high-resolution laser spectroscopy, including the frequency comb technique to the author and John L.Hall in 2005.Interestingly, Roy Glauber also received the Nobel Prize in the same year for his pioneering contributions to quantum optics[1-2].

另一方面,如果该理论正确,那么可以通过光频梳技术测量相关物理学基本常数的精确值。特别是构成了物理学基本常数系统基石的里德堡常数和质子电荷半径[12]。这里我们也许会问一个非常重要的问题:这些常数真的是常数还是随着时间慢慢变化?如考虑氢及其对应反物质的反能量,两者是否恰好是彼此的镜像?或者完全相同还是有什么区别?任何差异都会撼动我们的标准模型,因此精密光谱技术提供了探索物理学新知识的机会,也是验证该理论实际效果的重要方法之一。这可能是诺贝尔委员会授予高分辨率激光光谱诺贝尔物理学奖的原因,包括2005年授予作者和约翰·霍尔的频率梳技术。有趣的是,因对量子光学开创性的贡献,2005年诺贝尔物理学奖同时授予了Theodor W.Hänsch,John L.Hall和Roy[1-2]。

Nowadays, frequency combs have become standard tools for frequency metrology.The optical frequencies of complete systems, including lasers and all electronics, can be measured with unprecedented precision.It has become the most precise measurement tool known to man.Even the frequency comb of a smart desktop size can be obtained.The light from a laser of unknown frequency can be sent through a fiber into the frequency comb.Then, the absolute frequency can be read to as many digits as a reference clock will allow.


Chip-scaled comb generators based on microscopic frequencycombs areemerging.The pioneering work for the chip-scaled comb generators was completed in the Max Planck Institute, by Kippenberg’s group, now a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne[13].They showed that microscopic ring resonator formed using silica could be used with light from a continuous-wave laser through evanescent wave coupling.In this ring, the intensity can be increased to a high level, so that four wave-mixing and soliton formation can result in a comb of evenly spaced comb lines.


Widespread interests in frequency combs are due to their broad spectrum of applications.Fig.2 shows the evolutionary tree of frequency comb applications.

Fig.2 Evolutionary tree of the applications of frequency combs


Frequency combs are used to measure optical frequencies accurately and realize optical clocks.In addition, they serve as a tool for precision spectroscopy.Nowadays, combs are used to compare distant atomic clocks, by time and frequency transfer over large distances.If frequencies can be measured, lengths can also be estimated; thus, frequency combs are also used for length metrology, including light detection and ranging remote sensing.Astronomers employ frequency combs as calibration tools for analyzing large astronomical spectrographs.They search for earth-like planets around distant stars using the radial velocity method(Doppler shifts)as the star and planet orbit around a common center of gravity.Frequency combs are finding new uses in radio frequency photonics.For instance, the most stable microwaves with the lowest phase and timing jitter have been produced using laser frequency combs.


Moreover, they have been used in low noise microwaves, communications, radars, and other applications.Frequency combs are essential in attosecond science because they facilitate the control of the phase of the electric field inside the short pulse, making it possible to produce controlled single pulses of high harmonic generation, lasting only tens of attoseconds.


Concentrating on spectroscopy with frequency combs, Fig.3 shows direct frequency comb spectroscopy[14].

Fig.3 Direct frequency comb spectroscopy


In this spectroscopy, the frequency comb is not used as a calibration tool but all the comb lines in the multiplex are used to interrogate broad spectra with high resolution.While conducting these spectroscopic investigations, light from a frequency comb source is sent through an absorbing gas cell using either Fourier transform or grating spectrometers.Upon absorption, the corresponding comb lines attenuate.Notably, by replacing the incoherent light source of a Fourier spectrometer with a comb, a substantial gain in sensitivity and recording speed are achieved.However, resolving the comb lines with a conventional spectrometer remains difficult.Otherwise, the frequencies of these comb lines can be known with the accuracy of an atomic clock.Nevertheless, how high-resolution can be obtained? In this respect, dual-comb spectroscopy is a technique that is comparable to a sampling oscilloscope for optical radiation.If a gong is hit, it reverberates and emits sound waves that can be analyzed using a microphone and an oscilloscope to learn about the different vibrational eigenmodes of this gong.Similarly, molecules can be hit with a short light pulse, resulting in their oscillation and reverberation.If this radiation can be analyzed using an oscilloscope, the dynamics of the molecules can be learned.However, how can this be accomplished? Using two frequency combs.Fig.4 shows a schematic of the approach.

Fig.4 Dual-comb spectrometer


In this technique, one frequency comb emits a train of regular pulses, which hit the molecules and reverberate them.To investigate that radiation, a second frequency comb with a slightly different repetition frequency is used.Both beams are combined and a single photodetector is used to record the interference in the time domain.This is called asynchronous sampling.Because the repetition frequencies are different, the time interval between combs 1 and 2 pulses shift and change from pulse to pulse.Such that coinciding of two pulses on the detector results in a big burst of interference.On the contrary, if the weak free induction decay is analyzed, a weaker interference signal is obtained, which is ideally the sampling trace of the molecular waveform.Over a sufficiently long time, the interference disappears, as there is no overlap.There is one way of paying attention to a particular aspect of this type of two combs spectroscopy.Consider a repetitive waveform, where the molecules are hit periodically by these pulses, and the free induction decay is greatly simplified.If this periodically repetitive waveform is sampled, a waveform that appears stretched in time is obtained,as shown in Fig.5.

Fig.5 Optical sampling oscilloscope.


However, small fluctuations in timing appear magnified, indicating that considerable attention needs to be paid to the stability of the lasers.Similar situations can be considered in the frequency domain.Consider two combs with slightly different comb line spacing.Radio frequency beat notes in megahertz units can be detected between pairs of comb lines, whereas the original optical frequency is measured in terahertz units.Figs.6 and 7 show the dual-comb spectroscopy in both time and frequency domains.


The conversion factor corresponds to the difference in the repetition rates of both lasers divided by the repetition rate.Here is an example of such a signal.Given the instances where the pulses from the two lasers overlap, suppose mode-locked Er-doped fiber lasers operating in the telecommunications band are used.After this burst, smaller signals that need to be magnified are obtained.The free induction decay is clearly seen with the help of the sampling oscilloscope.


Fig.6 Dual-comb spectroscopy in time domain.

Fig.7 Dual-comb spectroscopy in the frequency domain.

Fig.8 depicts the use of a Fourier transformation to obtain a spectrum from this signal[15]for acetylene in the v1+v3 combination band[15].The resolution achieved is 3 GHz only.A similar resolution can be achieved using the traditional Fourier spectrometer.However, this spectrum is recorded in just 42 μs, which is quite remarkable considering that a traditional Fourier spectrometer requires several minutes to produce a spectrum of this quality.This shows one potential advantage of dual-comb spectroscopy.

Fig.8 Fourier transformation of a time-domain interference signal shown in Fig.6. Through transformation, the absorption spectrum of acetylene(C2H2)is obtained

图8描述了使用傅立叶变换可以得到处于v1+v3重叠能级中的乙炔光谱,实现的分辨率是3 GHz[14]。该结果不是特别显著。使用传统的傅里叶光谱仪也可以获得类似的分辨率。但值得注意的是,该频谱仅在42 μs内记录下来,而对于传统的傅立叶光谱仪,至少需要几分钟才能产生这种质量的光谱。因此,这是双光频梳光谱技术的一项潜在优势。

Much faster measurements are possible because no limits exist in the mechanical motion or motion path of the Fourier spectrometer.Besides, the telecommunications band is easier to access.However, it is not the most sought out region in molecular spectroscopy, as most molecules have strong characteristic absorption bands in the molecular fingerprint region of the mid-infrared.Thus, producing frequency combs in the mid-infrared is highly desired.In this respect, several approaches have been adopted over many years and are still being investigated.A readily accessible is to start with near-infrared telecom-type fiber lasers and produce mid-infrared spectra using difference frequency generation.


Recently, this was achieved when frequency combs of approximately 3 μm were produced and used to investigate the spectrum of ethylene.Fig.9 shows the dual-comb absorption spectrum of ethylene near 3 μm[16].

Fig.9 Dual-comb absorption spectrum of ethylene near 3 μm.

我们最近做的工作获得了差不多3 μm波长的光频梳,并且用来观察乙烯的光谱。图9显示了3 μm左右的乙烯双频梳吸收光谱[16]。

Ethylene’s vibrational modes v9 and v11 fall into this spectral region.At first sight, the spectrum looks all black; however, individual comb lines can be resolved.Figs.10 and 11 show the magnified ethylene spectra with reduced frequency range.First, the molecular lines are seen, and then, with further magnification, the comb lines become discernible.The comb line is a fantastic calibration tool because it provides precise frequency.


Although, setting up a laboratory to conduct all the above experiments is expensive, not much power is needed to produce these spectra because the detectors can saturate by intense short pulses.Typically, only a few microwatts of average power will suffice.Furthermore, investigations were performed to explore the lowest intensities where dual-comb spectroscopy can be performed.Through these explorations, the single-photon level was achieved by N.Picque and Hänsch[17].


Fig.10 Zooming into the ethylene spectrum shown in Fig.9 reveals comb lines and molecular absorption lines.

Fig.11 Expanded region of the dual-comb spectrum of ethylene(12C2H4)showing both absorption and dispersion.

To prove the fundamental experiment, two frequency-doubled Er-doped fiber lasers were used and both beams were combined.One beam was sent to a photodetector that detects when both pulses from the two lasers overlap and then triggers a scalar for the detected photons.The other beam probing the sample is attenuated dramatically so that the power is 20 fW or the detection is down to about only one detector click for a thousand pulses.Nevertheless, difficulties are encountered if a photon is imagined to exist before detection.

为了验证基础实验:采用2个掺铒光纤激光器,在分束器上组合两束光束以产生二次谐波信号。一束光被发送到光电检测器,该检测器检测来自2个激光器的2个脉冲何时重叠后,触发另外一个检测光子的检测器。透过样品的另一束光衰减得非常大,最终我们只有低至20 fw或每1 000脉冲只触发了一次探测信号,但它仍然能实现有效探测。但是如果试图在探测器之前检测光子的存在,就会很难。

Otherwise, it opens intriguing prospects for future applications.This technique can still be applied for frequency comb sources in the extreme ultraviolet or soft X-ray regime, where very few photons are produced.Furthermore, it can be used to analyze backscattered light over a long distance through attenuating media.In addition, it is still possible to observe fluorescence signal from an individual molecule or a small nanostructure, although the photon count rate is small.However, what about a future miniaturized chip-scale instrument? Will it be possible to have a gas spectroscopy laboratory on a photonic chip? There is one obstacle to achieving these.


These microscopic frequency comb generators have large spacing of the comb lines, wider than the line widths of the molecular lines.Thus, molecular lines can be missed, resulting in a spectrum lacking all the desired information.One approach is to work with different positions of the comb line and generate a set of interleaved spectra.Thus, the molecular information can be retrieved, but not as a multiplex spectrum.


A comb with line spacing of a gigahertz or less, which corresponds to a round path of 30 cm in the cavity, is typically required.How is it possible to accommodate such a path in a microscopic sub-millimeter-sized chip cavity? This has been recently explored in collaboration with a group of B.Kuyken at the University of Ghent, Belgium[18].This group has designed a chip-based mode-locked laser using a SiO2waveguide on a silicon substrate for several years.This waveguide can be shaped into a spiral, winding the long interferometer path to a small coil.To realize a laser, gain and saturated absorbers are required, which are implemented with III-V semiconductor devices bonded to the silicon waveguide.Then, the pulse reaches the grating reflector and part of it is coupled out.Therefore, a small mode-locked laser is obtained.

我们真正希望的是千兆赫兹或更小的线距梳子。1 GHz对应于腔中30 cm的圆形路径,我们最近也在探索如何在微观亚毫米尺寸的芯片腔中容纳这样长路径的方法。该项工作是同比利时根特大学的B.Kuyken课题组进行的合作[18],该小组多年来设计基于芯片的锁模激光器。当使用硅波导时,在SiO2衬底上可以将这个波导塑造成螺旋形,这样就可以将长干涉仪路径缠绕到一个小线圈上。为了实现这种激光器,需要一种与硅波导结合的III-V族半导体器件实现的增益和饱和吸收器。如果一切顺利,脉冲到达光栅反射器,部分耦合出去。这样,就得到了一个小型的锁模激光器。

One fundamental question is whether this laser is stable enough to perform dual-comb spectroscopy.The answer lies is in a sample wafer that carries quite a few laser devices.It comprises a laser, a coil, an amplifier, and a saturated absorber.As there are two lasers, whose outputs combine on the beam splitter, a dual-comb spectrometer on a chip may already exist.Unfortunately, two matching lasers could not be achieved.


To characterize the chip-based mode-locked laser, a different type of experiment was conducted[19].For using only one of these lasers with its pulses as input for spectrometer, its pulses were sent through a gas cell into a detector.The comb lines were produced using a continuous-wave laser and an electro-optic modulator.The first experiment was unsuccessful because on-chip lasers are unstable.However, subsequent trials produced a stable comb.A key point is to take some continuous-wave lasers and incident them into the on-chip mode-locked laser so that one of the comb lines is injection-locked, and, as a consequence, all the comb lines.


For instance, beat notes in the radio frequency region over 600 GHz are limited by the span of the electro-optic modulator comb.The on-chip comb is about three times wider and can be further broadened in nonlinear waveguides.However, enough stability has been achieved to resolve individual comb lines.Precise spectroscopy of the carbon monoxide can be achieved by analyzing its absorption line.No systematic distortion is observed for the complete spectrum of carbon monoxide on comparison with the calculated spectrum from the HITRAN database.The contributions from the carbon 13-isotope are easily recognized as a good technique to measure precise isotopic ratios.

例如,超过600 GHz的射频差频信号会受到电光调制器光频梳跨度的限制。片上光频梳大约宽3倍且可以在非线性波导中进一步拓宽,但是已经达到了足够的稳定性可以解析单个梳线。通过分析一氧化碳的吸收线,实验获得了一氧化碳的精确光谱,与HITRAN数据库的光谱进行比较,结果表明有非常好的一致性,没有产生系统失真,且很容易地识别出碳13的痕迹信号。因此,该方法能够有效的测量精确的同位素含量。

Fundamentally, we want to realize a complete spectrometer on a chip and work is ongoing to achieve this.Timeframes are uncertain but it remains an aspiration.An entire wafer with several such spectrometers is feasible.Each spectrometer has two mode-locked lasers and a spiral waveguide for evanescent wave detection of molecular absorptions.The size and power consumption can be reduced enough to integrate into a smartphone or smartphone accessory.Only with a single photodetector, the signal can be processed on the smartphone using the built-in computer.In this way, a small, portable, and inexpensive gas-phase spectrometer is realized.The high resolution can be used in medical diagnostics, pollution monitoring, industrial control, domestic air quality monitoring, and checking the fruit in the market.


The possibilities are immense.Many creative research groups worldwide are likely to have new ideas and surprising novel applications.The molecular spectroscopy described in this paper was conducted at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, under the supervision of Dr.Nathalie Picque(1)https://www.frequency-comb.eu/index.html.


Thanks are given to the sponsors, the European Research Council(3)https://erc.europa.eu/, Max Planck Foundation(4)https://www.maxplanckfoundation.org/?lang=en, and Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation(5)https://www.siemens-stiftung.org/en/.

最后,感谢科研经费提供单位:欧洲研究委员会(6)https://erc.europa.eu/、Max Planck基金会(7)https://www.maxplanckfoundation.org/?lang=en、Curl Friedrich Von Siemens基金会(8)https://www.siemens-stiftung.org/en/。


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